Thursday, May 24, 2007

Okay! So I got to Yellowstone 3 nights ago. I thought I'll start a blog on my summer stint here, just for fun =) I'm mail-starved so if anyone has too much time to spare, please write me something! Send it to

Kheng Hui Ang
General Delivery
Grant Village
Yellowstone National Park
Wyoming 82190

I'll appreciate short postcards, cry in gratitude over long letters, and if you send me some good food from home I will love you for the rest of my life.

Today I checked my results and realized I got a crappy grade for honours project and therefore a crappy class for honours, but reality seems so far away now. Oh well.

Oh I have a crappy job here too but everyone has crappy jobs here so that's alright too =) I just hope it gets warmer soon. It's snowing every day now and we can't do much outdoor stuff when the weather's like that.

The best thing that has happened so far is seeing my lovely Angel and her lovely owner Jackie again! That's good enough to keep me happy here. Angel is the sweetest dog on earth, and she has grown a fair bit over the past 2 years. Will post pictures of her fat bum when I get any.

If you are reading this blog, you are an awesome person and I hope you are enjoying yourself too wherever you are =)


Anonymous said...

Hi, it seems like the food rations that u brought is insufficient ah. ok, wat food u want? i send u. (with service charges + mailing cost) heee. it's "black mailing" time. lol.

it is great to read yr blog and experiences over there. hope to hear more from u and see more pics.

enjoy yr stay there.

best regards,

ジュウィタ said...

Hey yo~ Hope you're doing fine there.

Is there any entry restrictions for food item there? (not that I plan to send you any whatsoever though...haha~)

jabir said...

yay i'm an awesome person, but you are too! =) i might send you stuff, and see if you just made promises you can't keep, haha. have lots of fun there, i'm looking forward to reading your posts.

khenghui said...

I think you can send anything as long as it's properly packaged and not liquid? Meat products might be restricted though.Hope you guys are doing fine back home too! *hug*